About the Journal
Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft encourages the lasting and sustainable development of psychotherapy with academic articles on psychotherapy practice and research. It takes a stand on current issues and problems and promotes interdisciplinary exchange on fundamental matters such as indication, methodology, efficiency, etc.
A marked feature of the journal is its openness to all fields of psychotherapy, e.g. psychoanalysis, person-centred psychotherapy, behaviour therapy, Gestalt therapy, body therapy, logotherapy, psychodrama, systemic therapy, family therapy, child and adolescent therapy, group psychoanalysis, dynamic group psychotherapy, catathymic image perception, hypnotherapy, etc. and it prints articles from all fields of psychotherapy. All manuscripts submitted are examined by a panel of international experts.
Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft is the successor publication to Psychotherapie-Forum, which was published by Springer-Verlag. From 2013 to 2017 the journal was published by the Swiss Charter for Psychotherapy, a subsection of the Association of Swiss Psychotherapists (ASP). Since 2017 it has appeared in the Psychosozial-Verlag.
Current Issue

Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft dient auf hohem Niveau der Entwicklung der Psychotherapie. Beiträge zur Praxis und Forschung fördern den interdisziplinären Austausch über grundlegende Fragen wie Indikation, Methodik, Effizienz etc. Die Zeitschrift ist offen für alle psychotherapeutischen Richtungen, es erscheinen Beiträge aus allen Bereichen der Psychotherapie und die eingereichten Arbeiten durchlaufen ein Begutachtungsverfahren durch internationale Gutachter. Als Nachfolgepublikation von Psychotherapie-Forum wird sie von der Assoziation Schweizer Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten (ASP) herausgegeben.
Full Issue
Special Issue
Original Work
In eigener Sache
Book Reviews
The shared multidisciplinary publishing organ permits high-level interdisciplinary discussion on fundamental issues in psychotherapy. It covers original papers, case studies, interdisciplinary projects, reviews and conference reports.
All issues are available in open access. Single copies and subscriptions are also available for purchase. Please contact Psychosozial-Verlag for this.