Psychosomatic inpatient rehabilitation in patients with chronic headache and somatoform pain disorders


  • Barbara Witte


Due to the combination of several (psycho-)therapeutic modalities (creative and body-oriented therapies included) psychosomatic inpatient rehabilitation is an excellent opportunity to experience the relation between one's own body and mind in a new way as well as one's relationships to other people and to (re-) discover one's own ressources. The protected inpatient setting is a training area for social competences, self-care, enjoyment, recognition and regulation of one’s own feelings and a better way of dealing with body symptoms. Characteristics of psychotherapy in psychosomatic inpatient treatment are the relatively short time of treatment, the intensive interdisciplinary co-operation and the initially often low motivation of the patients for psychotherapy. It is recommended to explore the patients' psychosocial problems and negative feelings tactfully, casually or symptom related.

Keywords Psychosomatic inpatient rehabilitation; chronic headache; somatoform pain disorders; interdisciplinary co-operation; psychotherapy; indications and contraindications; preparing and following therapy

Author Biography

Barbara Witte Barbara Witte, Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin (D), Fachärztin für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin (FMH), Psychosomatische und psychosoziale Medizin (SAPPM), Systemische Psychotherapie, Leitende Ärztin Psychosomatische Abteilung, Zürcher Höhenklinik Davos; Mitglied der Weiterbildungskommission der Schweizerischen Akademie für psychosomatische und psychosoziale Medizin (SAPPM)

Korrespondenz: Dr. med. Barbara Witte, Zürcher Höhenklinik Davos, Klinikstrasse 6, 7272 Davos Clavadel, Schweiz



How to Cite

Witte, B. (2010). Psychosomatic inpatient rehabilitation in patients with chronic headache and somatoform pain disorders. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (3), 146–152. Retrieved from