On the integration of psychotherapeutic theories of different origins


  • Erwin Parfy


In the current practise of psychotherapy are to be observed not only a dogmatic rejection with regard to differing schools, but also an unreflected methodological eclecticism and a call far a standardising metatheorie. It is now necessary with epistemolog-ical tools to integrate psychotherapeutic theoretical structures on a generally accessible level. According to the concepts of contemporary scientific views, theories are formed in the field of empirical observation, chosen methodology and specific conceptualisation of the object. The resulting edifices, independent from available intended use, possess the character of artificial constructions. The relationship to these theoretical constructs takes place with the management of the therapist, they must have the capacity to get in connection with the ongoing therapeutic process. Also the integration of theoretical structures of differing origin can only succeed dependent on the empirical viewpoint after the well reflected adaptation to the new context.

Psychotherapy, epistemology, integration of theories.

Author Biography

Erwin Parfy

Mag. Erwin Parfy, klin. Psychologe und Psychotherapeut, geb. 1964 in Wien, studierte Psychologie, Wissenschaftstheorie und Kunstgeschichte; Therapieausbildung bei der ÖGVT; er arbeitet in der Justizanstalt Göllersdorf mit Rechtsbrechern, welche als geistig abnorm verurteilt wurden; das Interesse an allen psychotherapeutischen Schulen, verknüpft mit seinem Zugang aus dem Bereich der Wissenschaftstheorie, führte den Autor zum Arbeitskreis „Grundlagenforschung“ des Österreichischen Forschungsinstitutes für Psychotherapie.

Korrespondenz: Mag. Erwin Parfy, Hadikgasse 178/8, A-1140 Wien



How to Cite

Parfy, E. (1996). On the integration of psychotherapeutic theories of different origins. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 4(2), 84–99. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/652