The "lived" self: reflections on the psychological representation of individual self-concepts


  • Britta Musiol
  • Günter Herzog


Opinions related to action and personal values of the therapist play an important role within the therapeutic process. The majority of schools of psychotherapy attempt to influence this by means of self- experience and trainings in self-awareness. Selfconcept research which attempts to describe these cognitions offers an approach to this topic which has hardly ever been used. This paper illuminates the findings of self-concept research associated with theoretical and practical aspects of this question. An ideographic method using constructivism and individual-centered approach - the so called “Selbstkonzept-Gitter” from Orlik (1979, 1982) - was presented. Using two cases of a pilot project of psychological research, the advantages of this method are discussed with references to:

•    the illustration of self-cognitions,

•    the documentation of efficacy of self-experience, and

•    the interdisciplinary possibilities of application.

Self-experience, psychotherapy, cognition, self-concept.


Author Biographies

Britta Musiol

Dr. phil. Britta Musiol, Ass.-Prof. an der Klinik für Medizinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der KFU Graz, Psychotherapeutin (Verhaltenstherapie), Lehrtherapeutin in der AVM (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Verhaltensmodifikation). Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Psychologie der Eßstörungen, Kommunikation im Krankenhaus, Selbstkonzeptforschung und Psychotherapieausbildung.

Korrespondenz: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Britta Musiol, Universitätsklinik für Medizinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der KFU Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 39, A-8036 Graz

Günter Herzog

Dr. phil. Günter Herzog, Psychologe am Psychologischen Labor der Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie der KFU Graz, hauptverantwortlich tätig für die psychiatrische Ambulanz; Universitätslektor für Methodenlehre am Institut für Psychologie der KFU Graz.



How to Cite

Musiol, B., & Herzog, G. (1996). The "lived" self: reflections on the psychological representation of individual self-concepts. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 4(4), 223–228. Retrieved from