Analytical body psychotherapy: State of the art and clinical practice


  • Peter Geißler


There are three main streams in bodypsycho-therapy: a neoreichian, a body-movement and a psychoanalytical oriented line. The author tries to describe how the last, Analytical Bodypsychotherapy, has in the meantime developed in direction of a particular psychotherapeutic method, which clearly can be separated from the two other mean lines of bodypsychotherapy. This new approach has elaborated specific essentials, works with an enlarged definition of countertransference and points out theories and clinical possibilities of bodywork. There are important arguments coming from baby research which support this kind of work. On basis of a clinical example one of these possibilities of bodywork, the scene bodywork, will be shown. Finally there is a short discussion of open questions.

Analytical Bodypsychotherapy, body dialogue, body work, body remembrance, Object relations theory, scene body work.

Author Biography

Peter Geißler

Peter Geißler, Dr. med., Dr. phil., geb. 1953, Arzt, Psychologe, Psychotherapeut und Supervisor in freier Praxis, Mitbegründer des Arbeitskreises für analytische körperbezogene Psychotherapie (AKP). Methode: Analytische Körperpsychotherapie. Interessenschwerpunkt: Integration körperbezogener Interventionen in eine psychoanalytisch orientierte Psychotherapie.

Korrespondenz: DDr. Peter Geißler, Dr. Paul Fuchsiggasse 12, A-2301 Neu-Oberhausen



How to Cite

Geißler, P. (1998). Analytical body psychotherapy: State of the art and clinical practice. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 6(3), 152–166. Retrieved from