Psychotherapists’ attitude towards sexual contact with patients: results of a survey among Upper Austrian psychotherapists


  • Egon Michael Haberfellner
  • Sabine Zankl


Background. The problem of patient-psychotherapist sexual contact is still a substantial one. Among Upper Austrian psychotherapists a survey was conducted to find out their attitude towards patient-psychotherapist sexual contact.

Methods. 204 psychotherapists completed a questionnaire covering the following topics: sexual relations during psychotherapeutic treatment, posttermination sexual activity, and their knowledge about patients abused by former psychotherapists.

Results. 2.5% thought that sexual activity may be a helpful psychotherapeutic intervention. 22% ofthe respondents did not know that patient-psychotherapist sexual contact may be punished by criminal law. 56% were uncertain about posttermination sexual contact.

Discussion. Only very few psychotherapists expressed an unethical opinion and might be potential abusers. Many psychotherapists do not know that posttermination sexual contact is considered unethical. This topic needs further discussion and ethics training.

Keywords Sexual abuse; Patient-psychotherapist sexual contact; Boundary violation; Transference

Author Biographies

Egon Michael Haberfellner

Egon Michael Haberfellner, Privatdozent Prim. Dr., Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Neurologie, Psychotherapeut (systemische Familientherapie), praktischer Arzt, ärztlicher Leiter des Rehabilitationszentrums für psychosoziale Gesundheit Sonnenpark in Bad Hall, Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität, Salzburg; fachliche Schwerpunkte: Sozialpsychiatrie, psychiatrische Rehabilitation, Krisenintervention und Notfallpsychiatrie, Patientenaufklärung, Nebenwirkungen von Psychopharmaka.

Korrespondenz: Rehabilitationszentrum für psychosoziale Gesundheit, Parkstraße 5, 4540 Bad Hall, Österreich

Sabine Zankl

Sabine Zankl, Mag. (FH), Psychotherapeutin (Integrative Gestalttherapie) in freier Praxis, Sozialarbeiterin in der Frauen- und Familienberatungsstelle Güssing, Südburgenland



How to Cite

Haberfellner, E. M., & Zankl, S. (2008). Psychotherapists’ attitude towards sexual contact with patients: results of a survey among Upper Austrian psychotherapists. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (2), 92–97. Retrieved from