The therapeutic relationship in systemic therapy


  • Andrea Brandl-Nebelay


After outlining the framework of psychotherapeutic settings, the mainstreams of family and systemic therapy in their various ways of shaping the therapeutic relationship are described. Psychoanalytic oriented family therapy is based on the concept of transference and counter-transference, whereas in humanistic approaches to family therapy the aspect of encounter between therapist and family members is seen as crucial. In systemic therapy based on structural and strategic concepts the therapist is positioning himself “in” and “up” the family system in an active, intervening role. In solution focused brief therapy and narrative approaches concepts of neutrality, therapeutic curiosity and respect for the autonomy of client systems establish an egalitarian partnership between therapist and clients. Finally same explanations for the neglection of the therapeutic bond in systemic therapy, the issue of therapeutic expertise as well as gender questions are discussed.

Systemic therapy, family therapy, therapeutic bond, neutrality, curiosity, respect, therapeutic expertise.

Author Biography

Andrea Brandl-Nebelay

Andrea Brandl-Nebehay, geb. 1953, Mag., Psychotherapeutin (Systemische Familientherapie), Soziologin und Sozialarbeiterin. Langjährige Tätigkeit als Sozialarbeiterin im Jugendamt, seit 1994 Mitarbeiterin des Instituts für Ehe- und Familientherapie in Wien; freie Praxis als Psychotherapeutin und Supervisorin, Lehrtätigkeit. Veröffentlichungen zum Thema Systemische Ansätze im instutionellen Kontext.

Korrespondenz: Mag. Andrea Brandl-Nebehay, Institut für Ehe- und Familientherapie, Praterstraße 40/10, A-1020 Wien



How to Cite

Brandl-Nebelay, A. (1995). The therapeutic relationship in systemic therapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 3(3), 147–158. Retrieved from