Self-experience in psychoanalytic training. Hypotheses, experiences, synthesis


  • Peter Kutter


Initially, the high responsibility of training analysts, following some limitations reported by former analysands in regard to their analysts, is emphasized. The role of the analyst as teacher is not neglected. The meanings of training analysis as both a teaching and learning process and a therapeutic experience are discussed, with different consequences for analyst, analysand, and institute. Experiences in both roles, analysand and analyst are openly presented. Finally the decisive role of self-experience is evaluated and differentiated from other goals of psychoanalytic training.

Training analysis, training analyst, candidate, institute, teaching, learning, responsibility, selfexperience.

Author Biography

Peter Kutter

Peter Kutter, geb. 1930, Dr. med., seit 1974 Professor für Psychoanalyse im Fachbereich Psychologie der J. W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main; seit 1994 pensioniert. Lehr- und Kontrollanalytiker der Deutschen Psychoanalytischen Vereinigung, Facharzt für psychotherapeutische Medizin. Arbeitsgebiete: Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie, Gruppenpsychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Psychosen. Veröffentlichungen: Sozialarbeit und Psychoanalyse (1974), Elemente der Gruppentherapie (1976), Psychoanalyse in der Bewährung (1985), Psychoanalytische Interpretation und empirische Methoden (1985), Moderne Psychoanalyse, eine Einführung in die Psychologie unbewußter Prozesse (1989), Psychoanalysis International, a Guide to Psychoanalysis throughout the World (Hrsg 1992/95), Liebe, Haß, Neid, Eifersucht. Eine Psychoanalyse der Leidenschaften (1994).

Korrespondenz: Prof. Dr. Peter Kutter, Brenntenhau 20 A, D-70565 Stuttgart



How to Cite

Kutter, P. (1996). Self-experience in psychoanalytic training. Hypotheses, experiences, synthesis. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 4(4), 181–186. Retrieved from