Psychoanalytic focal therapy


  • Paul H. Ornstein
  • Anna Ornstein


This essay depicts briefly the historical antecedents of Michael Balint’s focal psychotherapy, developed with his co-workers at the Tavistock Clinic and first presented in his book, co-authored with Paul H. Ornstein and Enid Balint. Balintian focal psychotherapy serves here as a background for the authors’ presentation of their revision of focal psychotherapy based on Heinz Kohut’s psychoanalytic self psychology and the process nature of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The essay highlights the essential elements that distinguish the Ornsteins’ approach from Balint’s original conceptions as well as from the best kno'^n contemporary brief psychotherapies in the United States, which are sketched in passing. The distinction rests on several factors. Among them are the following: (1) the Ornsteins view psychoanalysis, intensive psychoanalytic psychotherapy and focal psychotherapy on a continuum - as long as the therapist uses the same basic treatment approach (acceptance, understanding and explaining), the same theory of psychopathology and the same theory of cure. (2) The Ornsteins differentiate between a technique-oriented and a process-oriented form of treatment, postulating that each therapeutic encounter will initiate a set of inner experiences (how patientexperiences therapist and how therapist experiences patient), which is here called “the process.” (3) It is the nature of this process that determines the therapist’s responses, rather than a “set technique.” In fact, the Ornsteins speak of the therapist’s “responsiveness ” and not of his “technique. ” Their approach is illustrated here with a treatment sample, detailing the process of this form of focal psychotherapy.

Psychoanalyticfocal therapy, self psychology

Author Biographies

Paul H. Ornstein

Paul H. Ornstein, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry (emeritus), Professor of Psychoanalysis (emeritus), Co-Director International Center for the Study of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, publizierte zahlreiche Artikel (allein und zusammen mit seiner Frau Anna) über den psychotherapeutischen und psychoanalytischen Prozeß, den Deutungsprozeß in der Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie, zur Selbstpsychologie und ihren klinischen Anwendungen. Herausgeber von „Research for the Self - Selected writings of Heinz Kohut“, Vol 1-4.

Korrespondenz: Prof. Dr. Paul Ornstein, College of Medicine, 231 Bethesda, Cincinnati, OH 45267, U.S.A.

Anna Ornstein

Anna Ornstein, M.D., Professorin für Kinderpsychiatrie, Co-Director International Center for the Study of Psycho analytic Self Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Lehr- uni Kontrollanalytikerin am Psychoanalytischen Institut von Cincinnati, publizierte zahlreiche Artikel (alleine um zusammen mit ihrem Mann Paul) über verschiedene Aspekte der Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse, über de; Deutungsprozeß sowie über das Überleben und Bewältigen extrem traumatischer Situationen, Kinderpsychotherapie und kinderzentrierte Familientherapie.



How to Cite

Ornstein, P. H., & Ornstein, A. (1997). Psychoanalytic focal therapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 5(3), 127–140. Retrieved from