The pianist with the knife. Life-supervision of a traumatized woman in body-psychotherapy


  • Ulrich Sollmann


This case history of a traumatized woman is based on a bodyorientated approach It reveals an incestuous family structure and a sexual perverse interaction between the parents and the daughter.

The therapy reveals the interplay of the body-symptoms,the scenic memory and the body orientated psychotherapy. The diagnostic and therapeutic process is not nosological. It is shown to be necessarily important to work “unsystemativally” with traumatized patients.

The case history was part of a life-supervision (which is part of the training in bodypsychotherapy) by which special diagnostic answers had to be found.

Important is the distinction between a common case study and a “therapeutic tale”as part of a narrative approach in psychotherapy.

Traumatized patient, body-psychotherapy, life-supervision, narrative approach

Author Biography

Ulrich Sollmann

Ulrich Sollmann, Diplomsozialwissenschaftler und körperorientierter Psychotherapeut (Bioenergetische Analyse, Gestalttherapie), arbeitet in freier Praxis, Supervision und Beratung im Profit- und Non-Profit-Bereich, Coaching von Führungskräften. Autor (Fachbücher, Der Spiegel, FAZ, Süddeutsche Zeitung u. a.). Schwerpunkte: Körper in der Psychotherapie, Scham und Öffentlichkeit, mediale Inszenierung öffentlicher Personen, Coaching.Ulrich Sollmann, Dipl. rer. soc., Psychotherapeut, Postfach 250 531, D-44743 Bochum



How to Cite

Sollmann, U. (1999). The pianist with the knife. Life-supervision of a traumatized woman in body-psychotherapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 7(2), 67–74. Retrieved from