Transference and countertransference in Body-Psychotherapy


  • Vita Heinrich


What does the work on relationship in the setting of body-psychotherapy mean? How can we understand the phenomena of transference and countertransference on the basis of bodily dialogues between therapists and clients? What does empathy mean on a somatic level? Is it possible to integrate the principles of energetic work (Bioenergetic Analysis) and relational work (Analysis of Transference and Countertransference)? What happens in the therapist-client-relation-ship, if therapists and clients touch each other?

With these questions I was concerned while working on this article and while searching for bioenergetic and psychoanalytic concepts. There are some answers and also open questions which have to be discussed in future.

Bioenergetic Analysis as a therapeutic approach does not have a theoretical concept of relationship, but it could not work “without” relationship. As bioenergetic therapists we learn to trust on the solving of chronic muscle tensions and on the improvement of body-perception, body-expression and body-control. This process then is expected to improve relationship of the clients to themselves and to other persons.

The way of handling phenomena of transference and countertransference in Body-Psychotherapy can be a very special one, if we work process-oriented with the body to give meaning to the transferential phenomena and not only by giving verbally interpretations of it. And at the same time, if we understand countertransference as embodied induced countertransference which can be slowly revealed and can be used to energize the therapy process.

Empathy as a dialogue of bodies, process-oriented body-work with transference, embodied countertransference.

Author Biography

Vita Heinrich

Dr. rer. nat. Vita Heinrich, geb. 1955, Dipl.-Psych., bioenergetische Analytikerin CBT, 7 Jahre Forschung und Lehre an der Universität Osnabrück, Fachgebiete Diagnostik und Entwicklungspsychologie. Lehrbeauftragte für Körperdiagnostik. Seit 12 Jahren Psychotherapeutin in freier Praxis. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Gegenübertragung, traumatisierte Klienten, Körper und Stimme.

Korrespondenz: Dr. Vita Heinrich, Humboldtstraße 14a, D-49074 Osnabrück



How to Cite

Heinrich, V. (2001). Transference and countertransference in Body-Psychotherapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 9(2), 62–70. Retrieved from