Body-Work in Client-Centered Body-Psychotherapy


  • Dieter Schatz


During the last years an increased general interest of body-work in psychotherapy can be stated. Using the classification system for the different aspects and phenomena of the body reported recently, this paper describes the meaning of body-work in client-centered psychotherapy. In the client-centered body-psychotherapy the body is seen mainly from the relational perspective and body work as weil as body-self-exploration are basically seen from the viewpoint of the relation between the client and the psychotherapist. Other viewpoints of the body are discussed and lead to a comparison of the major theoretical frameworks of body psychotherapy. The consequences of the basic client-centered attitudes are discussed for body-work.

Body psychotherapy; Client-centered body psychotherapy; Body dialogue; Relational body-work; Client-centered attitudes.

Author Biography

Dieter Schatz

MMag. Dr. Dieter Schatz, Klinischer und Gesundheitspsychologe, Psychotherapeut; Forschungsassistent auf der Gedächtnisambulanz der Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie, Innsbruck; Therapeutischer Leiter des Therapie- und Förderzentrum „Die Eule", Innsbruck: Ambulante Hilfe für autistische, entwicklungsverzögerte, teilleistungs- und wahrnehmungsbeeinträchtigte Menschen; Klientenzentrierter Köperpsychotherapeut in freier Praxis.

Korrespondenz: MMag. Dr. Dieter Schatz, Gedächtnisambulanz, Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie, Anichstraße 35, A-6020 Innsbruck;
Therapie- u. Förderzentrum „Die Eule", Amraserstraße 1, A-6020 Innsbruck



How to Cite

Schatz, D. (2002). Body-Work in Client-Centered Body-Psychotherapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 10(1), 38–45. Retrieved from