Changes and Solution Approaches for Transition Barriers in Analytic Body-Psychotherapy Using Transition-Transfer-Objects


  • Ralf Vogt


Working with transition-transfer-objects is a new attempt for an analytic understanding and a conceptional approach of an indication-justified use of objects in body psychotherapy. This approach covers positive experiences gained in the field of bio-energetic therapy and communicative therapeutic exercise, using stronger analytic structures, so that the use of objects would not encourage any activities of both the therapist and the patient or that the promising use of symbolizing media would be reduced by inadequate or insufficient therapeutic reflections. In the author's body-therapeutic practice, a wide range of experiences could be collected and summarized in a conceptional approach for using objects in process-orientated activity analysis. This concept might allow an approach of producing transition-transfer-objects focussed on therapy. Utmost attention is paid to the patients' statements and reports on the description of the psychological atmosphere as a whole, for instance, when referring to an internal fear or rage situation, and this very specific atmosphere is tried to be put into concrete terms as objects and activities. An important precondition for this micro-analytic approach in sympathetic vibration is given through the preparation of the patient's ability for regression/retrogression and progression in a jointly controlled therapy, whereas in this process all basics for perceptive and communicative coordination and balancing, the recognition of basic transfer patters respectively, form an essential precondition for both partners. The illustrations are completed by a long-term example.

Bio-energetic therapy; Communicative motion therapy; Psychoanalysis; Complex body-therapy; Symbolizing media; Transition-transfer-objects; Process orientated activity analysis.

Author Biography

Ralf Vogt

Dr. Ralf Vogt, selbständiger Psychotherapeut in Deutschland (Bundesland Sachsen); Durchführung von Einzel- und Gruppenkörperpsychotherapien; abgeschlossene Ausbildung in: tiefenpsychologischer Therapie und Psychoanalyse (MIP), analytischer Körperpsychotherapie (DGAPTl, Katathymem Bilderleben (MGKB), Familientherapie (NIK); seit 6 Jahren Arbeit mit dem Ansatz: Symbolisierungsmedien in der Körperpsychotherapie.

Korrespondenz: Dr. Ralf Vogt, Leipziger Str. 36a, D-04178 Leipzig



How to Cite

Vogt, R. (2002). Changes and Solution Approaches for Transition Barriers in Analytic Body-Psychotherapy Using Transition-Transfer-Objects. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 10(1), 22–37. Retrieved from