Awakening Sensibility, Recovering Motility. Psycho-Physical Synthesis at the Foundations of Body-Psychotherapy: the 100-Year Legacy of Pierre Janet (1859-1947)


  • David Boadella


Pierre Janet founded psychological analysis over 100 years ago, and Freud's psychoanalysis grew out of this. Janet inspired many key concepts in individual psychology and in analytical psychology, as both Adler and Jung have acknowledged. More importantly, Janet was the first body-psychotherapist and a predecessor of Wilhelm Reich. Janet understood the relationship between breathing and emotionality and, together with Charles Richet (who had inspired Charcot's studies in hysteria in the decades before Freud), he carried out the most detailed investigations of respiratory patterns in neurosis. Janet worked with massage and with the re-education of movement. He understood that psychological analysis was a psycho-physical process, and that analysis needed to be followed by synthesis of the neurotic patient's previously fragmented and dissociated states. Janet's vast work has been relatively neglected until it was rediscovered by modern research into post-traumatic stress syndrome, where his insights are seen to be of crucial importance.

Synthesis; Vasomotor neurosis; Visceral consciousness; Body scheme; Diaphragmatic block; Biosynthesis; Contact channels.

Author Biography

David Boadella

David Boadella (Jahrgang 1931). BA, M.Ed., Dr. h.c., Psychotherapeut SPV und UKCP, Ausbildungsleiter am Internationalen Institut für Biosynthese IIBS, CH-Heiden.
Studium der Pädagogik, Literatur und Psychologie. Ausbildung in Charakteranalytischer Vegetotherapie. Begründer der Biosynthese. Langjährige Praxis als Psychotherapeut. Weltweite Vortragstätigkeit, Autor zahlreicher Bücher und Artikel.
Im Jahre 1995 wurde ihm von der „Open International University of Complementary Medicine“ ehrenhalber der Doktortitel verliehen für seine Pionierarbeit in der Entwicklung und Förderung der Zeitschrift „Energie & Charakter". Die Zeitschrift (deutsch u. englisch) kann beim IIBS bestellt werden.
Auswahl der Bücher von David Boadella: „Befreite Lebensenergie" (Kösel). „Wilhelm Reich - Leben und Werk" (Scherz).

Korrespondenz: Dr. h.c. David Boadella, Internationales Ausbildungsinstitut für Biosynthese IIBS, Benzenrüti 6, CH-9410 Heiden



How to Cite

Boadella, D. (2002). Awakening Sensibility, Recovering Motility. Psycho-Physical Synthesis at the Foundations of Body-Psychotherapy: the 100-Year Legacy of Pierre Janet (1859-1947). Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 10(1), 13–21. Retrieved from