Operation Successful -Patient Dead? - About the Difficulties of Measuring the “Outcome" of Psychotherapy


  • Alfred Köth


The author exemplifies the difficulties of measuring the effects or the "outcome" of psychotherapy.
He shows 12 out of the 25 pictures, a 11 year old boy has drawn during a psychotherapy of 33 sessions. The inner-psychic development shown by these pictures is contrasted by the - in the end not successful - result of the psychotherapy, which could not change the symptoms and led to residential care for the boy.

Child-psychotherapy; Outcome-research; Criteria for measuring.

Author Biography

Alfred Köth

Alfred Köth, Jg.1951, Diplompädagoge, Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut, arbeitet halbtags in einer Tagesgruppe für verhaltensauffällige Kinder. Parallel dazu in freier Praxis als Körperpsychotherapeut mit Erwachsenen.Interessensschwerpunkte: Methodenvielfalt, Forschung zur Wirkungsweise von Psychotherapie

Korrespondenz: Alfred Köth, Damaschkeanger 37, D-60488 Frankfurt



How to Cite

Köth, A. (2003). Operation Successful -Patient Dead? - About the Difficulties of Measuring the “Outcome" of Psychotherapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 11(3), 121–131. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/424