The Offence-orientated Therapeutic Approach in the Treatment of Offenders -Conception, Methodology and Structural Framework of the Zurich PPD Model


  • Frank Urbaniok


The treatment of offenders in Anglo-Saxon countries is based on concepts taken from cognitive behavioural theory. As a result of a too rigid and one-sided application, therapeutic potential often remains untapped. In Europe, psychoanalytical approaches have, for a long time, meant that offence-oriented procedures have been ignored. In Zurich, a trend-setting forensic model has emerged with the PPS model (Psychiatrie Psychological Service, Department of Justice Canton Zurich). This model carries out professional risk assessments and provides a broad crime-preventive programme of therapy for criminals. As a specialist centre, the PPS is part of the legal system and, within the organisation of justice, is vested with the responsibility and decision-making powers to allow the creation of workable structural conditions to facilitate innovative forensic psychiatry.

The philosophy behind the therapy is based on the following principles: special, offence-related interventions as an obligatory programme and treatment of the specific problems relating to the fundamental personality as a complementary part of the therapy.

The article introduces the offence-related approach to treatment as it is being practiced in the framework of the Zurich model.

Among others, clear target-orientation with regards to risk reduction, maximal transparency, openness, respect, promotion of independence, autonomy, interdisciplinary matters and, as a result, a pragmatic approach will all represent general paradigmatic principies. Above all, the specific offence-related technicalities fall into two categories in their theoretical approach: (1) increasing the ability to control oneself and (2) reducing offence motivation. The therapy elements "offence reconstruction" and working with the "offence-part" are outlined as an illustration of the practical application.

The author firmly contradicts the theory currently espoused in Europe that the treatment of criminals is not a special psychotherapeutic discipline. Both therapies and risk calculations are just as important in achieving effectiveness when they are based on specialised and differentiated concepts.

Zurich model; Offender therapy; Offence-oriented therapy; Crime reconstruction; Offence-part work.

Author Biography

Frank Urbaniok

Frank Urbaniok ist Psychiater und Chefarzt des Forensikzentrums PsychiatrischPsychologischer Dienst im Justizvollzug des Kantons Zürich. Mit Schwerpunkt Gewalt-und Sexualstraftaten ist er als Therapeut, Supervisor und Gutachter tätig und leitet verschiedene forensische Therapie- und Forschungsprojekte. Er entwickelte u.a. ein neues Prognoseverfahren (FOTRES) und ist Begründer des Modells der Teamorientierten Stationären Behandlung (TSB).

Korrespondenz: Dr. med. Frank Urbaniok, Psychiatrisch Psychologischer Dienst, Justizvollzug Kanton Zürich, Feldstrasse 42, 8090 Zürich



How to Cite

Urbaniok, F. (2003). The Offence-orientated Therapeutic Approach in the Treatment of Offenders -Conception, Methodology and Structural Framework of the Zurich PPD Model. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 11(4), 202–213. Retrieved from