Salutogenetic psychotherapy: Positive Psychotherapy as a resource-oriented procedure


  • Hamid Peseschkian


The frame of the therapeutic meeting between therapist and patient has changed. Calls for a resource-oriented and comprehensive appreciation of health came up within the last years.

In consequence an extended biopsychosocial model has been developed in contrast to the one-sided model of sickness and disorders. Salutogenesis, described by Aaran Antonovsky, is an example of an extended concept of health and will be illustrated in its relation to psychotherapy. The salutogenetic thinking represents a challenge for the classic psychotherapy. It encourages the schools of psychotherapy to check their theories and concepts. The activation of resources and its high therapeutic efficiency has been emphasized by researches in the field of a general model of psychotherapy. Positive Psychotherapy as a form of short-term psychotherapy with a humanistic conception of man will be explained exemplarily for a salutogenetic procedure in psychotherapy. Consequences for the psychotherapeutic practice and training will be shown.

Key words:
Salutogenesis; Positive psychotherapy; Ressources; Psychotherapy; Conception of man.

Author Biography

Hamid Peseschkian

Dr. med. habil. Hamid Peseschkian, Jahrgang 1962, Facharzt für Neurologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie in eigener psychotherapeutischer Privatpraxis. Geschäftsführer der Wiesbadener Akademie für Psychotherapie. Vorsitzender des Internationalen Zentrums für Positive Psychotherapie. Dozent und Lehrtherapeut für Psychotherapie und Psychosomatische Medizin. Visiting Professor an der Northern State Medical University in Archangelsk, Russland. Lehrbeauftragter an der Universität Mainz.

Korrespondenz: Dr. med. habil. Hamid
Peseschkian, Wiesbadener Akademie für
Psychotherapie, Langgasse 38–40,
65183 Wiesbaden, Deutschland



How to Cite

Peseschkian, H. (2004). Salutogenetic psychotherapy: Positive Psychotherapy as a resource-oriented procedure. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (1), 16–25. Retrieved from