Development and significance of a transcultural attitude as a body-psychotherapist shown on the example of China


  • Ulrich Sollmann



Body-Psychotherapy, China, ethnology, narration, patterns of behavior, transcultural communication.


For the author, presenting Body-Psychotherapy to colleagues in China became an ethnological process of experience. Being part of the action in the various «lived-in-worlds» (professional, personal or privat) took shape as body-to-body-communication. Involved in this way and according to a professional naivety the author used a heuristic approach to dis-learn (of his own cultural pre-understanding) first (Ent-Lernen). So he was able to generate a «knowledge» that was based on sensory, emotional and transcultural communication. Essentially the process was an open one. The author presumed the way of narration as the best to reproduce such a process of «sensed knowing» effectively, vivid and even professional, the form of a professional essay. The article illuminates several aspects of interplay of structure, space of «lived-in-worlds» and of the dynamic, colorful, complex and arbitrary self-regulation of people in these structures. Besides the article gives an insight in «ethnological instruments», that is useful for transcultural communication.

Author Biography

Ulrich Sollmann

Ulrich Sollmann, Dipl.rer.soc., Körperpsychotherapeut (Bioenergetische Analyse, Gestaltpsychotherapie), Mitglied der Deutsch-Chinesischen Akademie für Psychotherapie (DCAP), Berater und Coach in Wirtschaft und Politik, Publizist, Blogger. Arbeitet in freier Praxis in Bochum sowie regelmässig in China. Vortrags- und Lehrtätigkeit (u. a. Scholarship as guest professor at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law).



How to Cite

Sollmann, U. (2018). Development and significance of a transcultural attitude as a body-psychotherapist shown on the example of China. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 8(2), 21–28.



Titelthema: Kulturübergreifende Psychotherapie