Tonicity as Defense Mechanism – a Bioenergetic Perspective on Emotional Regulation


  • Vita Heinrich-Clauer


Key words, Affect regulation, tonicity, character structure, motoric and vocal expression, Polyvagal Theory, safe contact


Emotional experience and behavior are – among other levels – processed on the expressive-motoric level. Especially anxiety and anger are enhancing muscular tonicity and have constrictive effects. Developmental trauma can cause chronic muscular tension patterns which can be understood as protective patterns against fear and pain (Bioenergetic Analysis). Safe social relationships (friendly gaze, calming voice, body contact) have relaxing and calming effects by activation of the ventral vagus (Polyvagal Theory). Motoric and vocal expression of primary emotions reduce the muscular tonus.

Author Biography

Vita Heinrich-Clauer

Vita Heinrich-Clauer, Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Psych.; 1981–88 Forschung und Lehre an der Universität Osnabrück: Psychologi­sche Diagnostik, Entwicklungspsychologie; seit 1989 tätig als Psy­cho­therapeutin, Supervisorin, Dozentin, Autorin in Osnabrück; internationale Trainerin für Bioenergetische Analyse (IIBA Faculty) in Skandinavien, Deutschland, Russland, Polen, Brasilien, Schweiz. Herausgeberin des Handbuch Bioenergetische Analyse.



How to Cite

Heinrich-Clauer, V. (2017). Tonicity as Defense Mechanism – a Bioenergetic Perspective on Emotional Regulation. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 7(2), 29–35. Retrieved from



Titelthema: Psychosomatische Ansätze in der Psychotherapie