Action-possibility-expanding psychotherapy science (Part 1)



  • Paolo Raile



Psychotherapy science, praxeology, radical constructivism, schemas, possibilities for action, action-possibility-expanding psychotherapy science (HEP)


The action-possibility-expanding psychotherapy science (HEP) represents a separate psychotherapy science approach. Building on an extended concept of scientific theory based on Ernst von Glasersfeld’s radical constructivism, a praxeology is formulated. Following Bruce Lee’s philosophy, HEP assumes that psychotherapists do not follow rigid techniques or structures in a (fictitious) optimal psychotherapeutic treatment but respond to the specifics of each therapy situation and act accordingly. For this, a certain flexibility, intuition (spontaneous and not conscious acting on the basis of relevant experience-based schemata) and a sufficiently large repertoire of possible actions are necessary. For this purpose, the research-practical application of HEP serves, which will be treated separately in a second article.

Author Biography

Paolo Raile

Dr. Dr. Paolo Raile, MSc., studierte Psychotherapiewissenschaft, Soziale Arbeit und Europäische Ethnologie. Er ist Autor wissenschaftlicher Texte, Psychotherapeut, Sozialarbeiter, Lebens- und Sozialberater sowie Gründer und Leiter zweier psychosozialer Organisationen in Wien.
091-097 31206

How to Cite

Raile, P. (2022). Action-possibility-expanding psychotherapy science (Part 1): Basics. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 12(2), 91–97.