War is already inherent in our society


  • Jeannette Fischer




intersubjective discourse, recognition of difference, guilt, scapegoat, voyeurism, lust


An intersubjective relationship is one in which one subject recognises the other as a «not me» or «another me». Upon the recognition of this difference, arrogance and the resulting power gap are removed, and control and management of the dominated «object» is eliminated – producing the prerequisites for any war. Connections that create a discourse of power require an axiom of guilt – the essential instrument to make power gaps, hierarchies, exploitation, and self-interest possible. The bearer of the guilt is deemed the scapegoat, who can now be legitimately ostracised or even killed. Groups and nations enable people to celebrate a symbiotic unity and consensus creating the differences to facilitate ostracization. New forms of lust arise, no longer a lust for difference, but rather one in which violence is inherent: The degradation of one is the ascent of another, which is experienced by the latter as power. The humiliation and conquering of others, goes beyond a lust for power as it is bound with the lust for the suffering and misery of others. The lust-filled moment of a voyeur is also violent toward themselves as the participation of the self is eliminated and lust experienced in the triumph of remaining unaffected. Domination is only made possible via a hierarchical gap and retaining control of desire. All of this can be defined as war. War is already inherent in our society.

Author Biography

Jeannette Fischer

Jeannette Fischer arbeitete 30 Jahre als Freud’sche Psychoanalytikerin in Zürich. Sie beschäftigt sich intensiv mit der Frage der Gewalt, Macht und Ohnmacht. Sie kuratierte hierzu Ausstellungen und drehte zwei Dokumentarfilme. 2018 erschien Psychoanalytikerin trifft Marina Abramović und Angst – vor ihr müssen wir uns fürchten, 2021 Hass und 2022 Psychoanalytikerin trifft Helene und Wolfgang Beltracchi. Alle diese Bücher erschienen auch in diversen Übersetzungen.
079-085 31203

How to Cite

Fischer, J. (2022). War is already inherent in our society. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 12(2), 79–85. https://doi.org/10.30820/1664-9583-2022-2-79