From trauma to resilience – from individual to collective

The contribution of EMDR therapy to the treatment of trauma


  • Isabel Fernandez



trauma, EMDR, post-traumatic growth, resilience


In recent years, we have seen the development of knowledge, tools, and even international guidelines that emphasise the significance of psychological treatment following personal and collective traumatic experiences. Developments in the field of EMDR therapy have also been closely followed. The therapeutic approach has been adjusted and further developed to allow application in the most difficult of situations and for people with different cultural, religious, and linguistic backgrounds. This article investigates the contribution of EMDR to psychotherapy. Both practical experiences and scientific publications will be described, and their efficiency documented. We observed that many people who have survived a traumatic event are able to overcome their experiences and continue with their life. It is important to consider the various stress reaction stages that patients go through and then assess which type of intervention is best suited to strengthen the resilience of those affected and enable post-traumatic growth. Minors and the most at-risk population groups require special psychological interventions that correspond to the trauma suffered and reduce symptoms, stabilise the patient, and enable the development of personal and collective protective factors to promote resilience. The scientific literature on this topic highlights the importance of the correct form of intervention during the corresponding trauma phase to prevent the development of psychological disorders, reduce risk factors, and promote post-traumatic adjustment and development. EMDR has now been used in a wide range of trauma situations, including humanitarian emergencies involving vulnerable population groups, in different trauma phases, and during both individual and group therapy.

Author Biography

Isabel Fernandez

Dr. Isabel Fernandez ist Klinische Psychologin, Psychotherapeutin, Direktorin des Centro di Ricerca Psicotraumatologica in Mailand, Vorsitzende der Associazione per l’EMDR in Italien, Vorsitzende des Verbands EMDR Europe sowie Autorin zahlreicher Artikel und Bücher über Traumata und EMDR. Sie war Mitglied des ständigen Ausschusses Traumata und Katastrophen und des Ausschusses Prävention und Intervention der Europäischen Föderation der Psycholog*innenverbände.
031-036 31193

How to Cite

Fernandez, I. (2022). From trauma to resilience – from individual to collective: The contribution of EMDR therapy to the treatment of trauma. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 12(2), 31–36.