Abuse by caregivers: prevention and intervention of professional sexual misconduct through educational work


  • Tanja Zondervan


Through the work carried out by the initiative of Misbruik door Hulpverleners (MdH, abuse by caregivers), which primarily deals with professional sexual misconduct (PSM) within the mental health sector, over the past three years it has been possible to gain further insight into PSM. The article offers insight into the aims formulated by MdH. A primary goal is to offer educational material towards the prevention and aftercare of PSM. A further task of the initiative is to offer support and guidance for victims. From experience gained in the field, it appears that the main problem standing in the way of prevention and intervention concerns a lack of expertise by organizations that deal with PSM. The article offers some solutions to this problem. Furthermore, a number of positive changes and events are described in the article which demonstrate the necessity of MdH and the positive contribution it offers. This article means to inform about our initiative and to encourage the setup of similar initiatives that will inform people about the problem of PSM and help towards the prevention of PSM in the future.

Keywords (Sexual) abuse; Helper; Prevention; Public; Institution; Scientific research.

Author Biography

Tanja Zondervan

Tanja Zondervan, eine der Gründerinnen der Initiative MdH, die seit Oktober 2003 besteht; Abbruch des universitären Studiums kurz vor der Diplomarbeit wegen PSM durch einen Psychotherapeuten; Mitglied des niederländischen Berufsverbandes für Sexologie (der NVVS). Teilnahme an der internationalen E-Mail-Liste CONFER (AdvocateWeb.org), an der Opferfürsprecher und Fachleute teilnehmen; seit 2001 Besuch von und Teilnahme an Kongressen und Symposien im In- und Ausland.

Korrespondenz: Misbruik door Hulpverle-ners, PB 402, 1185 BD Amstelveen, Niederlande



How to Cite

Zondervan, T. (2007). Abuse by caregivers: prevention and intervention of professional sexual misconduct through educational work. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (1), 43–48. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/139