Gaps in abstinence in therapeutic training


  • Wolfgang Schmidbauer


An example shows that the interplay of analysis, treatment, training relationship, and emotional relationship is complex. As a psychoanalyst, I argue for abstinence in therapy.

If the professional role is unclear, this often is an outcome of training. I differentiate two basic states of development of training institutions: the phase of movement towards a stable and well grounded institution and the state of institution with all its specific rules and manuals.

Keywords Psychotherapy training; Single therapy; Transference relationship; Training institution; Abstinence; Professional identity

Author Biography

Wolfgang Schmidbauer

Dr. phil. Dipl.-Psych. Wolfgang Schmidbauer studierte Psychologie, Pädagogik, Kulturanthropologie und Psychopathologie.
Tätigkeit als freier Schriftsteler in Deutschland und Italien. Ausbildung zum Psychoanalytiker. Gegenwärtig Lehrana-lytiker in München. Um die 35 Buchveröffentlichungen.

Korrespondenz: Ungererstraße 66,
80805 München, Deutschland



How to Cite

Schmidbauer, W. (2007). Gaps in abstinence in therapeutic training. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (1), 7–11. Retrieved from