Neurobiology-inspired?extension?of?psychodynamic?practice?through?consciousness-oriented body psychotherapy


  • Christian Gottwald


Some possible implications from neurobiology for psychodynamically based body psychotherapy are expounded by presenting a case study. In “opening body psychotherapy" the neuronal patterns underlying experience and behaviour, the psychic structure with its corresponding representations and its history can be recalled, experienced in a differentiated way, and expanded by making corrective new experiences. With mindful awareness, the encounter with the therapist can be experienced holistically in a sensomotoric-affective manner. A more or less micro-psychoanalytical work in mindfulness and a basic experimental attitude help to meaningfully modify psychodynamic psychotherapy and extend the analytical rules of abstinence and neutrality.

Keywords Neurobiology; Consciousness-centered body psychotherapy; Attentiveness; Centering of consciousness; Experimental approach; Corrective experience

Author Biography

Christian Gottwald

Dr. med. Christian Gottwald, Facharzt für Psychotherapeutische Medizin, Nervenarzt, Psychoanalyse, ausgebildet in Gestalttherapie, Organismischer Psychotherapie, Hakomi-Therapie und Pesso-Boyden-System-Psychotherapie, Lehranalytiker und Supervisor der bayerischen Landesärztekammer, psychotherapeutische Praxis in München.

Korrespondenz: Eidoshaus, Wehnerstraße 23, 81243 München, Deutschland



How to Cite

Gottwald, C. (2007). Neurobiology-inspired?extension?of?psychodynamic?practice?through?consciousness-oriented body psychotherapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (2), 73–77. Retrieved from