Psychological rehabilitation in spinal cord injury - an overview of research data


  • Peter Lude


This contribution describes steps in the development of the psychological rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injury up to the current research status. Thereby it is shown how the psychological rehabilitation took roots in the medical environment. The first approach based on psychoanalytic interpretations followed by stage models foremost explaining the adjustment process anecdoticly. Then, the empirical outcome research has started trying to highlight their results with the following coping and appraisal research. A more comprehensive model of adjustment (Airbag), the cognitive effectiveness training (CET), social support and the close persons’ burden as well as the relationship to the biopsycho-social model ofthe ICF are presented.

Keywords Spinal cord injury; rehabilitation; research; coping; stage models; airbag; close persons; ICF

Author Biography

Peter Lude

Peter Lude, *1964, Dr. phil., MSc, Fachpsychologe für Psychotherapie FSP, ausgebildet in kognitiv-behavioraler Psychotherapie mit interpersonalem Schwerpunkt, klinischer Hypnose und in Personzentrierter Psychotherapie, eigene Praxis für psychologische Psychotherapie seit 1994, Dozent für Rehabilitationspsychologie an der Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW), tätig in nationalen und internationalen Forschungsprojekten mit Thema Querschnittlähmung, Tetraplegiker seit 1984.

Korrespondenz: Zürcherstrasse 3,
5330 Bad Zurzach, Schweiz



How to Cite

Lude, P. (2010). Psychological rehabilitation in spinal cord injury - an overview of research data. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (3), 153–161. Retrieved from