Systemic therapy: between the chairs


  • Tom Levold


Systemic Therapy has achieved a position ofa successful misfit in the German psychotherapy field - still without getting access to the psychotherapeutic supply system as an approved treatment approach. This paper shows a certain ambivalence between conceptual openness („brokerage“) and organisational „closure“ which underlied the political organisation of systemic interests. This ambivalence can be found in the history ofthe systemic field as well, which can be described as the history of a movement rather than of a specific therapeutic school. The exciting question dominating the current systemic discourse in Germany is whether the identity ofthe systemic approach can be maintained if it is confronted with the consequences of it’s possible approval, or ifthe position as an outsider could be constitutive for the systemic approach.

Key words Systemic therapy, therapy school, therapy movement, therapy orientation, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy law, profession, power, politics

Author Biography

Tom Levold

Tom Levold, Jg. 1953, Diplom-Sozialwissenschaftler, Lehrtherapeut, Lehrender Supervisor und Lehrender Coach (SG), Systemischer Psychotherapeut, Supervisor, Coach, Organisationsberater und Publizist, Mitbegründer der Systemischen Gesellschaft. Herausgeber von „Kontext“ und „systemagazin - Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen“.

Korrespondenz: Tom Levold, Institut für psychoanalytisch-systemische Praxis, Eiler Straße 18, 51107 Köln, Deutschland



How to Cite

Levold, T. (2008). Systemic therapy: between the chairs. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (4), 162–171. Retrieved from