The microanalysis of the client-therapist-interaction by means of Sequential Plan Analysis - Part II: The order of chaos


  • Günther Schiepek
  • Guido Strunk
  • Zbigniev J. Kowalik


The method of “Sequential Plan Analysis” enables a high frequency encoding of client's and therapist’s self-presentation in a therapy process (coding unit: 10seconds). The resulting patterns of plan activations (qualitative patterns) as well as the quantitative quasi time series (intensities of certain self-presentation features) are showing highly irregular behaviors. However, these plan activation patterns can be differentiated from noisy patterns, realized simply by chance. Under the surface of irregularity, some kind of complex order can be found. In modern system theories, this paradoxical phenomenon of ordered irregularity or deterministic unpredictability is called “chaos’’. Interestingly enough, most of the living and social systems are able to realize chaotic behaviors, in as so far as they are nonlinear, self-organizing, far from equilibrium systems. We will describe the most important features of chaos. One of this is the so called “sensitive dependency of the system behavior on its initial conditions’. It can be identified by measuring the Largest Lyapunov Exponent of a time series, which at the same time, is a measure of the degree of its unpredictability. Following the local development of the Largest Lyapunov Exponent, we see that critical transitions occur within the therapeutic process. The implications of our results for theory, research and the practice of psychotherapy are outlined.

Sequential Plan Analysis, client-therapist interaction, dynamical patterns, chaos, noise, nonpredictability.

Author Biographies

Günther Schiepek

PD Dr. Günter Schiepek, Hochschullehrer für Klinische Psychologie an der Universität Münster. Mitglied derÖsterreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Systemische Therapie (ÖAS), der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) und der Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR). Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Anwendung der Synergetik und der Theorie nicht-linearer dynamischer Systeme auf Psychotherapie, Ätiologie- und Verlaufsforschung psychischer Störungen (Schizophrenie, Alkoholismus, Depression), Emotionsforschung, Intra - und Intergruppendynamik.

Korrespondenz: PD Dr. Günter Schiepek, Westfälische-Wil­helms-Universität Münster, Psychologisches Institut I, Ro­senstraße 9, D-48 143 Münster

Guido Strunk

cand. psych. Guido Strunk, Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Klinische Psychologie an der Universität Münster. Koautordes Buches " Dynamische Systeme " (Asanger-Verlag, Heidelberg) .

Zbigniev J. Kowalik

Dr. Dipl. Phys. Zbigniev J. Kowalik, Mitarbeiter am Institut für Experimentelle Audiologie der  Medizinischen Fakultät (HNO-Klinik) der Universität Münster. Habilitation im Bereich "Biosignalanalyse". Arbeitsschwer­punkte: Nichtlineare EEG- und MEG (Magnetenzephalographie)-Analyse, Entwicklung nichtstationärer Verfahren der Chaosanalyse.



How to Cite

Schiepek, G., Strunk, G., & Kowalik, Z. J. (1995). The microanalysis of the client-therapist-interaction by means of Sequential Plan Analysis - Part II: The order of chaos. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 3(2), 87–109. Retrieved from