Towards the problem of “Psychotherapist” and “Doctor of Psychotherapeutic Medicine”: Results of an empirical investigation


  • Marianne Ringler
  • S. Bohrn


An empirical investigation (n=97) tried to clarify wether people in Austria can distinguish between the professional titles “psychotherapist” (PT) and “doctor of psychotherapeutic medicine” (ApM), the latter being introduced by the doctors association for a qualification in psychotherapy far below the legislative standards for psychotherapists. We wanted to know if the differences in training and concomitant differences in professional quality are perceived and distinguishable. Results show, that even professions in the psychosocial field don’t know about the differences. As well it seems, that the academic status of doctors is equalled with higher psychotherapeutic competence. The results are being discussed with regard to consumer protection issues. Keywords: Training in Psychotherapy, consumer perspective, ethical problems.

Author Biography

Marianne Ringler

Marianne Ringler, geb. 1946, Dr. phil., Univ.-Prof. an der Universitätsklinik für Tiefenpsychologie und Psychotherapie Wien, von 1976-1991 Aufbau und Leitung der Ambulanz und Arbeitsgruppe für psychologisch-medizinische Patientenbetreuung an der 1. Universitäts-Frauenklinik in Wien. Forschungsschwerpunkte: Psychosomatik in der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe, frauenspezifische Themen, Psychotherapie im Krankenhaus.

Korrespondenz: tit. a.o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marianne Ringler, Universitätsklinik für Tiefenpsychologie und Psychotherapie, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, A-1090 Wien



How to Cite

Ringler, M., & Bohrn, S. (1995). Towards the problem of “Psychotherapist” and “Doctor of Psychotherapeutic Medicine”: Results of an empirical investigation. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 3(2), 81–86. Retrieved from