Psychosocial care of cancer patients; state of the art


  • Hans Peter Bilek


This paper is an attempt to give an overview of what is important in psycho-social care of cancer patients. Both the failures and the successes in modern cancer therapy implicate a psychosomatic thinking in this field. After a long and steady period of resistence, the “changing of paradigm”, is penetrating, and in future will continue to penetrate the therapeutical basic-hypothesis of medicine. The development of psychotherapy in this century has provided a large number of possibilities to solve the cancer problem from a second direction - on the one hand by new findings, on the other hand by rediscovering archaic wisdom. In this review the most frequently used methods are described - and their respective advantages and disadvantages are briefly discussed. It is also stated clearly that in the training of therapists for psychosocial care a common denominator must be observed, namely the “working through” of the phenomena of finiteness and the fear of cancer on their part, as this illness is so widespread.

Psycho-social care in cancer patients, review of methods.

Author Biography

Hans Peter Bilek

Dr. Hans Peter Bilek, FA für Psychiatrie/Neurologie, Lehrtherapeut der Österreichischen Ärztekammer, Psychotherapeut, Obmann der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychoonkologie.

Korrespondenz: Dr. H. P. Bilek, Berggasse 20, A-1090 Wien



How to Cite

Bilek, H. P. (1995). Psychosocial care of cancer patients; state of the art. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 3(2), 69–80. Retrieved from