The active control of transference and countertransference in psychodynamically oriented short-term therapy


  • Michael Titze


The characteristic features of psychodynamically oriented short-term therapies are described in order to present an unconventional or paradoxical therapeutic method that diverges from standard psychoanalytic procedure. The importance of the therapist’s active control over transference and countertransference issues is highlighted in this context since it allows the therapist to focus on the patient’s core conflict as illustrated in immediate therapist-patient interactions. The question of integrating as well as differentiating non-analytical forms of psychotherapy is addressed as well.

Short-term (dynamic) therapy, corrective emotional experience, focal therapy, thematization, transference manipulation, intropathy, projective identification, “conspirative alliance”.

Author Biography

Michael Titze

Dr. Michael Titze, Jahrgang 1947. Individualpsychologischer Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Kurztherapeutische Interventionen bei Schamangst, Erprobung „therapeutischen Humors“ im Rahmen der Gruppenpsychotherapie.

Korrespondenz: Dr. Michael Titze, Hattingerweg 5a, D-78532 Tuttlingen



How to Cite

Titze, M. (1995). The active control of transference and countertransference in psychodynamically oriented short-term therapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 3(2), 61–68. Retrieved from