Does psychoanalysis have to change? Conclusions from empirical psychotherapy research


  • Bernhard Strauß


The basis of this article is the recent (controversial) discussion around the effectiveness of different forms of psychotherapy as well as the demand for a “general psychotherapy”. It is shown that psychoanalysis seems to understand itself as a “victim” of the public discussion and is endangered to avoid dealing with the methods and results of psychotherapy research. It is plead to use these results to critically evaluate the of treatment model of psychoanalysis. Orlinsky and Howard's “generic model of psychotherapy” could be a useful tool for this purpose. A change of psychoanalysis should occur as far as its relationship towards empirical research is concerned. This can be demonstrated using the gap which still exists between research in psychotherapy and psychotherapeutic practice and which - in view of the present health political developments - has to be bridged sooner or later.

Psychoanalysis, psychotherapy research, summary of research findings, generic model of psychotherapy, research-practice-relationship.

Author Biography

Bernhard Strauß

Priv. -Doz. Dr. phil. Bernhard Strauß ist klinischer Psychologe und Psychotherapeut an der Klinik für Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik der Universitätsklinik in Kiel. Seine wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkte sind die psychosomatische Gynäkologie, die Entwicklung und Evaluation von psychosozialen Betreuungskonzepten in der Medizin sowie die Psychotherapieforschung (Schwerpunkte: Gruppentherapie, differentielle Indikation und Prognose; stationäre Psychotherapie)

Korrespondenz: PD Dr. Bernhard Strauß, Dipl.-Psych., Klinik für Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik, Universitätsklinik Kiel, Niemannsweg 147, D-24105 Kiel



How to Cite

Strauß, B. (1996). Does psychoanalysis have to change? Conclusions from empirical psychotherapy research. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 4(1), 50–58. Retrieved from