The anorexia (Magersucht) of modern psychology and psychotherapy


  • Doris Lier


The article below is to be understood as a critical review of the policy of quality control as pursued by “Psychotherapy Forum”; a quality control, which objectifies and standardizes phenomena of soul. The point of view taken by the author has its origin in the psychology of C. G. Jung and is close to “Archetypal Psychology”. My thoughts are rooted in a phenomenological-metaphorical view of our Zeitgeist. I intend to demonstrate that modern considerations of efficiency are indebted an committed to the gauge and the comparative and thus subject to the same principles that predominate in anorexia. The fundamental issue is whether this kind of thinking, which has its rightful and relevant place in economics, makes sense for psychology and psychotherapy. In essence, it is a question of the nature and purpose of psychology.

Zeitgeist, efficiency, comparative, standardization, fitness, progress, anorexia, Magersucht, quality control, phenomenology, soul.

Author Biography

Doris Lier

Doris Lier, Lic. phil. I, dipl. analyt. Psychologin,  Psychotherapeutin SPV. Lehranalytikerin und Dozentin am C. G. Jung-Institut Küsnacht.

Korrespondenz: Doris Lier, Leonhardshalde 2, CH-8001 Zürich



How to Cite

Lier, D. (1996). The anorexia (Magersucht) of modern psychology and psychotherapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 4(2), 100–106. Retrieved from