Tracks to Budapest. Sandor Ferenczi as ancestor of object relations theory


  • Renate Langer


This article discusses the often neglected relation between Sandor Ferenczi’s further developments of “orthodox” Freudian psycho-analytical theory and practice on one hand and object-relations theory on the other. Based on literature which has only recently been published in German and literature which is not available in German at all, it is sho^wn that the Hungarian dissident anticipated - though in an unsystematic way -many concepts frequently attributed to later authors. This article focusses on the connections between Ferenczi and the object-relations theorists and is therefore meant to be an attempt to acknowledge Ferenczi’s achievements and to show how many recent developments in psycho-analysis we owe to him.

Psycho-analysis, history of psycho-analysis, psycho-analytic theory, psycho-analytic therapy, Ferenczi, object relations theory.

Author Biography

Renate Langer

Dr. phil. Renate Langer, Lektorin am Institut für Germanistik der Universität Salzburg, gleichzeitiger Besuch des Psychotherapeutischen Propädeutikums. Interessensschwerpunkte: Neuere deutsche Literatur und Psychoanalyse sowie die Überschneidungen und Querverbindungen zwischen diesen beiden Bereichen.

Korrespondenz: Dr. phil. Renate Langer, Itzlinger Hauptstraße 51, A-5020 Salzburg



How to Cite

Langer, R. (1996). Tracks to Budapest. Sandor Ferenczi as ancestor of object relations theory. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 4(2), 61–72. Retrieved from