The use of scientific models by the psychotherapist


  • Isabelle Stengers


As models of scientific procedures, neither the experimental nor the historical field sciences (such as archaeology) can be considered a source of inspiration for psychotherapy. In fact, neither of these two types of procedure is neutral, and by accepting the risks inherent to their respective definition - artifact for the experimental scientist and false indicia for the archaeologist - psychotherapy would be led to deny its o^n creative and transformative effectiveness. The models developed by science, on the other hand, such as the models of self-organization far from equilibrium stipulated by physics and chemistry, may be useful. However they can be so only as a support for the therapist forced to confront the narcissistic wound inflicted upon him by the fact that the requirements for validation elaborated by other sciences are not pertinent for his discipline; they are of no use at all as a means of increasing the scientific authority of psychotherapy. The latter, as an art of influence, must explore the demands, the constraints and the obligations involved in this creative and transformative relationship.

Epistemology, ethnopsychiatry, tool for thought, self-organization, psychic event.

Author Biography

Isabelle Stengers

Dr. Isabelle Stengers, chimiste et philosophe des sciences, est chargée de cours associée à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles. Ses premiers travaux portent sur le problème de la physique confrontée à la question de l’irréversibilité et du devenir (La nouvelle alliance, Gallimard, 1979; Entre le temps et l'éternité, Fayard, 1988, écrits avec I. Prigogine). Elle s’intéresse également au “pouvoir" des concepts scientifiques (D'une science à l'autre. Des concepts nomades, Le Seuil, 1988) et au rôle joué par les idéaux de scientificité dans la psychanalyse (Le Coeur et la Raison, Payot, 1989, écrit avec L. Chertok).

Correspondance: Prof. Isabelle Stengers, Université Libre de Bruxelles, CP 175/01, Avenue F. D. Roosevelt 50, B-1050 Bruxelles



How to Cite

Stengers, I. (1996). The use of scientific models by the psychotherapist. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 4(3), 152–157. Retrieved from