Personal therapy and selfexperience in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy: conceptions and methods


  • Anton-Rupert Laireiter


It is the aim of the present paper to give an overview of the current conceptions of personal therapy and self-experience of the ongoing therapist in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. The paper starts 'with a presentation of the conception of current cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Within this framework the most important goals and functions of a common conception of “self-experience” are presented. The paper’s second part deals with two models of “self-experience ", one which is primarily concerned with the person of the psychotherapist, and another, which focusses on personal experiences during ongoing psychotherapeutic work. A third part discusses the question of personal therapy as a component of “self-experience” in training of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapists. At the end of the paper some criteria for theoretical and practical application of self-experience are discussed, together with future directions of conceptual and practical development as well as research within the field of personal therapy and self-experience in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy.

Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, personal therapy, self-experience.

Author Biography

Anton-Rupert Laireiter

Dr. Anton-Rupert Laireiter, Klinischer Psychologe,Gesundheitspsychologe, Psychotherapeut (Verhaltenstherapie), Universitätsassistent für Psychologie; Forschungsschwerpunkte: Soziale Netzwerk- und Unterstützungsforschung, Dokumentation von Psychotherapie, Qualitätssicherung von Psychotherapie; Selbsterfahrung und Eigentherapie in der Ausbildung in Psychotherapie.

Korrespondenz: Dr. Anton-Rupert Laireiter, Institut für Psychologie der Universität Salzburg, Abteilung Klinische Psychologie, Hellbrunner Straße 34, A-5020 Salzburg 



How to Cite

Laireiter, A.-R. (1996). Personal therapy and selfexperience in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy: conceptions and methods. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 4(4), 210–216. Retrieved from