Reference to psychotherapy in psychiatric practice


  • Egon Michael Haberfellner


Within one year 142 psychiatric patients were referred to other psychotherapists by a psychiatrist in private practice, of these 79 patients (55.6%) started psychotherapy. Some patients seemed to comply with psychotherapeutic treatment more than others: More women (58%) than men (48%) were willing to start psychotherapy. Among diagnostic subgroups compliance-rate was highest for patients with affective disorders (67%). The probability, that patients would respond to psychotherapy was much higher, if they were treated with psychotherapy and medication (64%) than with psychotherapy alone (40%). Patients, who continued to see the referring psychiatrist for further psychopharmacological treatment were usually motivated by psychotherapeutic treatment as well (76%).

Psychotherapy, motivation, compliance

Author Biography

Egon Michael Haberfellner

Dr. Egon Michael Haberfellner, geboren 1957. Medizinstudium in Innsbruck. Ausbildung zum praktischen Arzt, zum Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Neurologie sowie Psychotherapieausbildung in systemischer Familientherapie. Seit 1995 niedergelassener Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Neurologie, Mitarbeit in verschiedenen psychosozialen Einrichtungen. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Sozialpsychiatrie, Krisenintervention und Notfallpsychiatrie, Attributionsforschung.

Korrespondenz: Dr. Egon Michael Haberfellner, Friedrichstraße 14, A-4040 Linz



How to Cite

Haberfellner, E. M. (1997). Reference to psychotherapy in psychiatric practice. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 5(3), 168–174. Retrieved from