Prevention of intellectual-cognitive retardation in the child music therapy


  • Marie-Christine Hartlieb


The topic of this article is the therapeutic work with music with children with intellectual deficiency and with children with general but massive retardation in their development. The author explains the terms „weakness of emotional codification“ and „weakness of connection“ and points out the consequences for the practical therapeutical work. The child music therapy can prevent serious intellectual blockades.

Intellectual deficiency, child music therapy, music therapy, „weakness of emotional codification “, „weakness of connection “, prevention, retarded development.

Author Biography

Marie-Christine Hartlieb

Marie-Christine Hartlieb, Musiktherapeutin, Absolventin des Lehrgangs (heute Kurzstudiums) für Musiktherapie an der Wiener Musikhochschule. Tätigkeitsfeld: Kinder- und Jugendlichenbereich; Integrative Gestalttherapeutin i.A.; künstlerisch tätig als Pantomimin.

Korrespondenz: Marie-Christine Hartlieb, Schöffelgasse 69/3/7, A-1180 Wien



How to Cite

Hartlieb, M.-C. (1998). Prevention of intellectual-cognitive retardation in the child music therapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 6(3), 174–177. Retrieved from