A questionnaire for relatives of patients with neurological disease


  • Hedwig Friedl-Francesconi
  • Susanne Balazs
  • Heinrich Binder


94 relatives of patients with severe brain damage at the Neurologisches Krankenhaus Maria-Theresien-Schlôssel answered a questionnaire of 13 items. They were asked about their knowledge about diagnosis and therapy as well as changes in their quality of life. Although the relatives had been satisfied concerning the information they got as far from the team, 72,3% were interested to get further information by the letter; they showed less interest in open groups or self-help-groups. Changes in the quality of life occured mainly due to the high caring-need in the field of leisure time. There is a significant connection between the relatives quality of life and diagnosis of the patient as well as between the need for information and the time the patient spends in hospital: need for information increases by the time the patient stays in hospital.

Relatives, brain damage, neurorehabilitation.

Author Biographies

Hedwig Friedl-Francesconi

Dr. phil. Hedwig Friedl, Klinische Psychologin und Psychotherapeutin am Neurologischen Krankenhaus Maria Theresienschlössel, Psychoanalytikerin in freier Praxis. Publikationen zur Psychotherapie in Form von Falldarstellungen, zum Thema Entwurzelung, zur Betreuung von Patienten mit organischem Psychosyndrom. Publikationen zur Neuropsychologie und zur kognitiven Rehabilitation.

Korrespondenz: Dr. Hedwig Friedl-Francesconi, Neurologisches Krankenhaus Maria-Theresien-Schlössel, Hofzeile 1820, A-1190 Wien

Susanne Balazs

Medizinalrat Dr. med. Susanne Balazs, Oberärztin am Neurologischen Krankenhaus Maria-Theresien-Schlössel.

Heinrich Binder

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Heinrich Binder, Facharzt für Neurologie und Psychiatrie, Primarius und Ärztlicher Direktor des Neurologischen Krankenhaus Maria-Theresien-Schlössel. Leiter des Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institutes für restaurative Neurologie und Neuromodulation. Arbeitsschwerpunkt: Neurologische Rehabilitation



How to Cite

Friedl-Francesconi, H., Balazs, S., & Binder, H. (1998). A questionnaire for relatives of patients with neurological disease. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 6(3), 167–173. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/577