Body-Psychotherapy approach in the treatment of traumatized people: body, trauma and psychic landscapes. Between touch and abstinence


  • Jörg Clauer
  • Vita Heinrich


Concepts and methods of treatment are based upon Bioenergetic Analysis (according to Alexander Lowen) and upon Analytic-Imaginary Bodypsy-chotherapy (Body-Enlightenment according to Betty Esthelle) and also Object-Relation-Theory. The following themes are described in detail: symptoms of trauma, trauma and body-memories, specific body-defense-mechanisms of traumatized people, principles of body-psychotherapy in the treatment of trauma, phases of trauma-therapy and working with embodied countertransference. The different phases of trauma-therapy and the possible interventions are explained in detail underlined by examples from clients:

1.    Phase of Stabilization/Safety (bioenergetic and imaginative interventions to work with intrusions, importance of grounding). 2. Phase of Reminding/Grieving (working with breathing, movement, expression of mourning and rage; process of Analytic-Imaginary Bodypsychotherapy). 3. Phase of Integration/Relating again (imaginative techniques, for example “the inner child”; bioenergetic work with introjects of the perpetrator; importance of sexuality/relationship).

Trauma always leads to dissociation of psychic functions and body-awareness. Only an integrated method of bodypsychotherapy may have an healing impact on this split.

The theme of “abstinence” in the praxis of body psychotherapy is discussed. What does it mean, if the therapist touches the clients bodily? Especially with those clients who have been traumatized? We see it as an important precondition to be able to cope with embodied  countertransference, that the therapist has his/her inner boundaries and has the ability to be a “channel” or “resonant body” for the feelings and sensations of the clients. To deal with the embodied countertransference constructively, means to counteract the danger of secondary trauma of the therapist, and can be seen as a mean of self-caring for the therapist.

Treatment of traumatized clients, Body-Psychotherapy, Bioenergetic Analysis, Analytic-Imaginary Bodypsychotherapy, Abstinence and Touch: Embodied Countertransference.

Author Biographies

Jörg Clauer

Dr. med. Jörg Clauer, Jg. 1951, Dipl.-Biochemiker, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychotherapeutische Medizin - Psychoanalyse, Rehabilitationswesen. Lehrtherapeut und Supervisor für Bioenergetische Analyse, Psychodrama und Body-Enlightenment. Seit 3 Jahren tätig als 1. Oberarzt in der Seepark-Klinik Bad Bodenteich (Fachklinik für Psychotherapeutische Medizin und Psychosomatik).

Korrespondenz: Dr. Jörg Clauer, Humboldtstraße 14a, D-49074 Osnabrück

Vita Heinrich

Dr. rer. nat. Vita Heinrich, Jg. 1955, Dipl.-Psych., Lehrtherapeutin für Bioenergetische Analyse. 7 Jahre Forschung und Lehre an der Universität Osnabrück, Fachgebiete Diagnostik und Entwicklungspsychologie. Seit 10 Jahren Psychotherapeutin in freier Praxis und Lehrbeauftragte an der Universität Osnabrück.



How to Cite

Clauer, J., & Heinrich, V. (1999). Body-Psychotherapy approach in the treatment of traumatized people: body, trauma and psychic landscapes. Between touch and abstinence. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 7(2), 75–93. Retrieved from