Motivation through selfevaluation


  • Anita Eyth


This report describes a selfevaluation project, which is based on the experiences gathered while working with longtime-unemployed persons. The evaluation was carried out by the authoress under scientific supervision of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jandl-Jager and Mag. Starkl. It is orientated on the concept of selfevaluation as a method of qualification. The evaluation is based on 2 elements: In the individual case evaluation modification processes of clients are documented and reflected by means of target declarations as well as the interventions during consultational process. The time recording shows the percentage of time consumed by the different job activities. The process, starting with the development and implementation of the documentation system and the experiences gathered during the realization of the project are described.

The results of time recording led to a more structured use of working time and a content-related reflexion about the value of the different job activities. The consequence resulted in a reduction of organization related time for the benefit of further job related education. The utilization of the documentation system in the individual case evaluation proved effective as far as task clarification, the agreement on consultational emphases and the consultational process itself were concerned. The achievement of49% of the initial target shows the benefit of self evaluation as an instrument of inspection and enlargement of professional competence.

Self evaluation, time recording, individual case evaluation, documentation system, target declaration, qualification, professional competence.

Author Biography

Anita Eyth

Anita Eyth, geb. 1962. Studium der Soziologie im zweiten Bildungsweg. Abschluss des Lehrganges Evaluation psychosozialer Einrichtungen. Vier Jahre im Beratungszentrum für arbeitssuchende Menschen als Beraterin tätig.

Korrespondenz: Mag. Anita Eyth, Stadtplatz 8, A-4060 Leonding



How to Cite

Eyth, A. (2000). Motivation through selfevaluation. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 8(2), 88–94. Retrieved from