Evaluation - study on effectiveness of Gestalt-Therapy


  • Brigitte Schigl


The Evaluation study is concerned with the overall effects and effectiveness of Integrative Gestalt-Therapy through a katamnestic questionnaire. It is the most extensive katamnestic study performed on clients of Gestalt-Therapy under practice conditions, offer a variety of results for the reception of psychotherapy by its consumers. The study consisting of qualitative and quantitative data from the point of view of the consumer, gives demographic information for psycho-therapy-clients. The data generally reveals a very high degree of contentment with Gestalt-Therapy and successful changes through their psychotherapy. The reflection of successful therapeutic treatment in life-events reported after therapy is of special interest. Furthermore, clients see techniques of Gestalt-Therapy as very helpful specific factors of effectiveness in the therapeutic process.

Gestalt-Therapy, psychotherapy research; evaluation.

Author Biography

Brigitte Schigl

Dr. Brigitte Schigl (1960), Klinische- und Gesundheitspsychologin, Integrative Gestalttherapeutin und Supervisorin, Univ.-Lektorin, Lehrbeauftragte in der psychologischen und psychotherapeutischen Fortbildung. Arbeit in freier Praxis und als selbständige Forscherin in der Konzeption und Durchführung von Forschungsprojekten (Schwerpunkt Evaluationen).

Korrespondenz: Dr. Brigitte Schigl, Rembrandtstraße 4/11, A-1020 Wien



How to Cite

Schigl, B. (2000). Evaluation - study on effectiveness of Gestalt-Therapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 8(2), 79–87. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/528