Empiric studies concerning psychoanalytic therapy of psychoses


  • Frank Schwarz


In the course of quality management actually required for medical and psychological treatments and the call for “Evidence based Medicine" in psychiatry a new discussion of the judgement from psychodynamic psychotherapies of psychoses is necessary. There is no doubt, that for short therapies by former controlled outcome studies this kind of treatment could shown to be successful. For long-term therapies however there we have a different situation. Because of ethical and practical reasons it is nearly impossible to realize randomised controlled studies for a long duration of therapy.
Therefore they are scarcely ever available. In this review the advantage and disadvantage of controlled versus uncontrolled studies is discussed with the conclusion, that uncontrolled studies may also produce important insights concerning the outcome.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy of psychoses, randomised controlled trials versus uncontrolled trials

Author Biography

Frank Schwarz

Dr. med. Frank Schwarz, Facharzt für Nervenheilkunde und für Psychotherapeutische Medizin, Psychoanalytiker in eigener Praxis. Dozent, Lehr- und Kontrollanalytiker an der Akademie für Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie e.V. München Veröffentlichungen über Behandlungstechnik bei der stationären und ambulanten analytischen Einzel-, Gruppen- und Familientherapie von schizophrenen Patienten sowie über Untersuchungen von Verläufen und Ergebnissen der Einzel- und Gruppentherapie bei diesen Kranken. Leitung der Überregionalen Weiterbildung in analytischer Psychosentherapie in München.Dr. med., Frank Schwarz, Facharzt für Psychotherapeutische Medizin, Nervenarzt - Psychoanalyse, DGPT -DPG - DAGG, Elisabethstraße 44, D-80796 München



How to Cite

Schwarz, F. (2000). Empiric studies concerning psychoanalytic therapy of psychoses. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 8(3), 123–129. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/521