The basic psychodynamic positions in community psychiatry


  • Rudolf Heltzel


The author worked as a psychiatrist and psychotherapist in the Sozialpsychiatrischen Dienst (SPsD) in a large city in northern Germany. Based on these experiences, he describes the basic psycho­dynamic positions in community psychiatry. These encompasses contacting clients, maintaining relation­ships, cooperating with relatives, establishing a net­work of professionals, working “biofocally", under­standing hidden meanings, particularly subconscious conflicts, working within and with partial mutual involvement, the active intercourse with clients, the work within one’s framework, furthering development via therapy and dealing with one’s delusions of gran­deur (“being good enough"). A detailed case history demonstrating the treatment of a patient with border­line narcissistic personality disorder completes the contribution.

Community psychiatry, psychodynamic basics, preverbal communication, exchange through action, holding

Author Biography

Rudolf Heltzel

Dr. Rudolf Heltzel, Nervenarzt, Arzt für Psychotherapeutische Medizin, Psychoanalytiker (DGPT) und Gruppenanalytiker (DAGG/GAS). Arbeitet in eigener psychotherapeutischer Praxis und als Supervisor, Berater und Fortbilder in zahlreichen psychiatrischen und psychosozialen Organisationen. 1. Vors. der Norddeutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für psychodynamische Psychiatrie (NAPP e.V.).

Korrespondenz: Dr. Rudolf Heltzel, Außer der Schleifmühle 56, D-28203 Bremen



How to Cite

Heltzel, R. (2000). The basic psychodynamic positions in community psychiatry. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 8(3), 107–116. Retrieved from