The Personality Disorders Institute at New York/Cornell and the treatment of severe personality disorders


  • Bernhard Brömmel


This article deals with the Personality Disorders Institute in New York and describes its manualized Transferrence Focused Psychotherapy comparing it to Linehans cognitive-behavioral Treatment of borderline personality disorder. Finally the situation for treating patients with severe personality disorders in Austria is discussed.

Borderline personality disorder, borderline personality organisation, personality disorder, Personality Disorders Institute, Transference Focused Psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral treatment, psychiatry.

Author Biography

Bernhard Brömmel

Bernhard Brömmel, Dr. med., Psychotherapeut (KIP), Psychiater, Oberarzt an der LNK Gugging.

Korrespondenz: Dr. Bernhard Brömmel, Gentzgasse 40-42/23, A-1180 Wien, Österreich 



How to Cite

Brömmel, B. (2000). The Personality Disorders Institute at New York/Cornell and the treatment of severe personality disorders. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 8(4), 193–196. Retrieved from