Fear of existence or lack of "Selbstgewissheit". Psychotherapeutic conclusions drawn from a qualitative study on patients suffering from Crohn's disease


  • Melitta Schwarzmann
  • Markus Hochgerner


Qualitative research and practical experience have shown that it is very helpful for psychotherapy with psychosomatic patients to determine further the specific developmental stage in which the infant self-structural damage occurred. That means that a further differentiation between patients who suffer from lack of “Daseinsgewissheit” (cognitive/emotional awareness of existence, Petzold, 1993) and/or those suffering from lack of “Selbstgewissheit” (cognitive/emotional awareness one’s self, Petzold, 1993) has to be made. Patients lacking “Daseinsgewissheit” profit from other healing factors than patients lacking “Selbstgewissheit”.

The present article deals with the psychodiagnostic features that differentiate the two developmental stages of infant self-structural damage as well as the psychotherapeutic conclusions that can be drawn from them.

Psychosomatics, infant self-structural damage, lack of “Daseinsgewissheit” (cognitive/emotional awareness of existence), lack of “Selbstgewissheit” (cognitive/emotional awareness of one’s self), psychotherapy, therapeutic conduct, regression, progression.

Author Biographies

Melitta Schwarzmann

Mag. Dr. Melitta Schwarzmann, Gesundheitspsychologin, Klinische Psychologin, Psychotherapeutin und Supervisorin in freier Praxis, Lehrbeauftragte für Integrative Gestalttherapie (ÖAGG, IGW) und Lehrbeauftragte für Integrative Therapie (PPI).

Korrespondenz: Mag. Dr. Melitta Schwarzmann, Ardetzenbergstraße 6b, A-6800 Feldkirch

Markus Hochgerner

Markus Hochgerner, Dipl. Sozialarbeiter, Gesundheitspsychologe. Psychotherapeut am Department für Psychosomatik/Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern, 1060 Wien, und in der freien Praxis. Lehrbeauftragter für Integrative Gestalttherapie (ÖAGG) und Integrative Therapie (PPI), Lehrtherapeut für Konzentrative Bewegungstherapie (ÖAKBT).

Korrespondenz: Markus Hochgerner, Hütteldorferstraße 173/5, A-1140 Wien



How to Cite

Schwarzmann, M., & Hochgerner, M. (2000). Fear of existence or lack of "Selbstgewissheit". Psychotherapeutic conclusions drawn from a qualitative study on patients suffering from Crohn’s disease. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 8(4), 137–146. Retrieved from https://psychotherapie-wissenschaft.info/article/view/510