Family poverty and neglection of children – a circle of powerlessness and disappointed hope


  • Renate Blum-Maurice
  • Winfried M. Zenz


The authors describe and define poverty and neglection of children as well as specific phenomena. The analysis ofthe background and the development of child neglection include the de-scription of the important of special stress factors. These severe consequences for the neglected children are related to the physi-cal, the mental, the emotional and the social perspective. In special situations you find resilience. The children find resilience when there is a good attachment and unconditional acceptance. There are three main consequences for the helping system: patience, understanding, carefulness, as well as stable acceptance. Most important is the careful and engaged development ofthe openness ofthe parents to accept help at all.

Poverty; neglection of children; definition of neglection; special phenomena; resilience; consequences for the helping system; attachment

Author Biographies

Renate Blum-Maurice

Renate Blum-Maurice, Sozialwissenschaftlerin und Klinische Psychologin, psychoanalytisch-systemische Familien- und Kindertherapeutin, Fachleiterin des Kinderschutz-Zentrums Köln

Korrespondenz: Renate Blum-Maurice, Kinderschutzbund Köln, Bonner Straße 151, 50968 Köln

Winfried M. Zenz

Winfried M. Zenz, Erziehungswissenschaftler, Familien- und systemischer Therapeut, Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut; therapeutischer Leiter der Familienberatung im Kinderschutz-Zentrum Köln; in freier Praxis Supervision, Coaching und Konzeptentwicklung



How to Cite

Blum-Maurice, R., & Zenz, W. M. (2009). Family poverty and neglection of children – a circle of powerlessness and disappointed hope. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, (2), 58–65. Retrieved from