Bodily experience. Concentrative movement therapy in the psychosomatic hospital


  • Karin Schreiber-Willnow


Concentrative movement therapy (KBT) as part of the psychotherapeutic treatment in hospital of patients with neurotic or psychosomatic disorders is first illustrated by a clinical case report In a clinical study it could be shown, that body experience improves in successfully treated patients. Body awareness and perception are sho^wn to be specific therapeutic factars in KBT group psychotherapy. The treatment process is studied by recording the micro-outcome of each group session. During the second half of the treatment successful patients show an inceased awareness of their body experience. They also gain insight and confidence. The correlation of these factors support the theory of body oriented therapies saying that “incarnated” insights have a beneficial effect on the patients.

Concentrative movement therapy, inpatient group psychotherapy, therapeutic factors, bodily experience.

Author Biography

Karin Schreiber-Willnow

Dr. rer. medic. Dipl.-Math. Karin Schreiber-Willnow, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Therapeutin für Konzentrative Bewegungstherapie an der Rhein-Klinik Bad Honnef. Forschungsschwerpunkte: stationäre Gruppentherapie, KBT. Mitglied im DAKBT, DKPM.

Korrespondenz: Dr. rer. medic. Karin Schreiber-Willnow, Rhein-Klinik, Krankenhaus für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Luisenstraße 3, D-53604 Bad Honnef



How to Cite

Schreiber-Willnow, K. (2001). Bodily experience. Concentrative movement therapy in the psychosomatic hospital. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 9(2), 86–96. Retrieved from