Online-therapy - State of the Art


  • Alexander Kucera


The Internet and its possible successors will more and more influence all areas of everyday life. Also psychological applications on the Internet are prospering. As this field is relatively young, it seems too early to draw generalisations concerning the results of this development. Obviously, we reached a phase to observe and communicate developments in this field, and, if necessary, to draw same general conclusions mainly concerning precautions and recommendations. Leaving this open from the side of professional helpers would only give room for unqualified offers.

Also psychotherapy is riding on this data highway, which takes us to unknown territory. To stay clear of pot-holes in the road, there seems to be a necessity of national and international discussion of such an unseen development to minimize the expenses and to maximize the social gain of this trip.

Online-therapy, Internet, Cybertherapy.

Author Biography

Alexander Kucera

Dr. Alexander Kucera, Psychotherapeut in freier Praxis und im Niederösterreichischen Heilpädagogischen Zentrum Hinterbrühl, Mitarbeiter am Religionspädagogischen Institut der Erzdiözese Wien sowie Lehrer im Höheren Schulbereich für Informatik, Psychologie, Philosophie und Religion.

Korrespondenz: Dr. Alexander Kucera, Reimergasse 7, A-2542 Kottingbrunn



How to Cite

Kucera, A. (2001). Online-therapy - State of the Art. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 9(3), 131–142. Retrieved from