Self-Object Needs in Body Therapy


  • Arnim H. Krüger


The author draws the line of analytical body-psychotherapeutical work with his contribution “Self-object Needs in Body Therapy“ to H. Kohufs Self-Psychology. It is a given that in the practise of a humanistic empathical understanding - including the accepting attitude towards the early disturbance -the historical link in psychotherapy from Reich - Ferenczi - Kohut stands closer to analytical body therapy than, for instance, the link Freud -Kernberg. The results of modern baby research (see among others Domes) seem to confirm this theory's necessity, even up to the fact that self-psychologically postulated self-object needs (after mirroring, after idealization, after sameness and belonging) also show the corresponding bodily dimensions.

Psychoanalysis; Narcissism; Body therapy; Self psychology; Self-object needs.

Author Biography

Arnim H. Krüger

Dipl.-Psych. Dr. phil. Arnim Hadubrand Krüger, geb. 1952, verh., 3 Kinder, 1973-1977 Sozialpsychologiestudium an der FSU Jena, 1992 Niederlassung als Psychologischer Psychotherapeut.
1996 Bioenergetischer Analytiker (CBT), Lehrtherapeut u. Geschäftsführer der Sektion Analytische Körperpsychotherapie (DGAPT e.V.), 1997 Psychoanalytiker (MIP e.V.), 2001 Mitherausgeber (zus. m. H.-J. Maaz) des Buches „Integration des Körpers in die analytische Psychotherapie„ (Pabst Science Publishers).

Dipl.-Psych. Dr. phil. Arnim H. Krüger, Psychoanalytiker (DGAPT e.V.), Bioenergetischer Analytiker (CBT), Rodenbergstraße 29, D-10439 Berlin



How to Cite

Krüger, A. H. (2002). Self-Object Needs in Body Therapy. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 10(1), 4–12. Retrieved from